Tremendous Day At Beirut Bridge Of Hope Today!!

Beirut Bridge of Hope held a tremendous event at the AOB Center in Beirut today! About 75 Syrian refugees kids together for a time of fun, food and fellowship! Our guest speakers were a group called, Hope For Kids. They travel the world, entertaining children, teaching them Biblical principles through puppetry, clown tricks, balloon creations, etc. They donated their time today and were wonderful. The children loved them!
We also had a group of teens delivered and passed out food they bought and packaged, themselves, for the children! We were so thankful for their time and donations! We were overjoyed by the overwhelming support and participation from everyone involved today! We hope to make this a regular event!


1st Time Visitor Receives the Baptism!



God did not change! He’s still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!! And what He did 2000 years ago, He’s still doing it today!!
Tonight we had a 1st time visitor come to our adult youth meeting in Beirut. Our lesson was about bringing the word of God to remembrance, and our visitor got curious and started asking questions. We shared with him the Christian faith and the Gospel according to the Apostles of Christ: Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and Jesus’s commandment that those who believe must be baptized.
Our visitor asked to pray and as we prayed with him, the Holy Ghost fell on him just like it did on Cornelius in the Book of Acts chapter 10 and verse 44, then we commanded him to be baptized like Peter did in Acts 10:47-48!
He came out of the water rejoicing as the spirit of God was poured on him! Glory to God!!
This is the 2nd X-Muslim who’s received the baptism of the Holy Ghost this month! —Revival!!

Dedication Service of AOB!

We were happy to dedicate our AOB worship center in Beirut this past Sunday!
Bishop ML Walls and Pastor Chad Erickson initiated and preach the service. We had many first time visitors that responded to altar call and 1 X Muslim man received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as on the day of Pentecost! God is still pouring His spirit upon all flesh!
We look forward to more souls coming to Christ this 2014!
