Great Event With Mothers & Children At Beirut Bridge Of Hope!

Beirut Bridge of Hope had another great event for mothers and children this past weekend!
We invited mothers of young children that typically have no schooling and no daycare. We began by allowing the mothers a little break. Our volunteers, Nadine and Jacob took the children into the sanctuary for worship and Bible study. They enjoyed singing and praising God! Meanwhile, our volunteers, Karina and Anwar, spoke to the mothers about overcoming their hardships and focusing on God. The chosen Bible verse was Matthew 6:26, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”
The ladies enjoyed their time of fellowship and afterwards joined their kids for coloring, crafts and chocolate crepes!


Last Night of Conference was Awesome!

Last night of the 2014 Latter Conference was awesome! Several visitors, many were touched and healed, and others baptized! The effects of the conference continued to tonight where a new visitor after our Monday night prayer meeting asked to be baptized!
We’re thankful for what The Lord is doing in the Middle East!


Powerful 1st Night of Conference in Beirut!

Powerful 1st night of 3rd annual Latter Rain Conference in Beirut, Lebanon last night! Our guest speaker Pastor Horst Krauss from Augsburg, Germany preached a powerful message on “Giving your last sacrifice!”
Many lives were touched as they responded to the preaching of the word and the presence of the Lord that filled the church!


Help us save unborn babies!

Beirut Hope Medical Help us stop abortion and save unborn children!

Many unborn babies in Lebanon, especially among the Syrian refugees, are being aborted every week due to a lack of medical assistance. The Lord has provided BBHope (our Beirut Bridge of Hope Center) with an OBGYN that has volunteered 2 days a week to provide medical assistance to pregnant mothers around our area, as well as help deliver their babies through a program covered by the United Nations.

Our church center is blessed to be in walking distance from an area where many of the Syrian pregnant mothers are taking refuge. We are able to help them save their babies by providing them with a clinic at our church center. We are however in need of an echo machine, as well as other smaller medical supplies in order to properly prepare the clinic.

If you, or your church are able to help us purchase this equipment and these supplies, we can start providing medical assistance and help these mothers turn away from abortion.

In addition to our clinic, we have volunteer church staff available at the center to provide counselling to these mothers. We pray with them, share the Gospel with them and share the love of Jesus Christ.

Please help us save lives and stop abortion. You can partner with us in setting up the clinic in Beirut by contributing financially through Paypal or by sending a donation to our PO Box address.

Apostolic Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 1892
Cleveland, GA. 30528

Thank you in advance!