“I’ve Never Felt So Close To God”

That’s what our Lebanese Armenian brother said when he came out of the baptismal tank last night. He’s face was full of joy as he was in an awe of the presence of God!
We thank the Lord for another soul that was buried in Christ in Lebanon after our prayer meeting last night and was raised with Him to the newness of life! (Romans Chapter 6).
To God be the glory!


Thank you for your prayers!

An explosion in a wood factory adjacent to our church in Beirut started a huge fire that lasted for two days. At one point we were asked to evacuate our building because the fire was uncontrollable. But through much prayers God interceded on our behalf and quenched the fire and spared our church and headquarters in the Middle East! Damages were minor to our ceiling in the sanctuary and the platform. Thank the Lord!
We thank also all of those who helped us pray in these difficult couple of days. God answered our prayers!
He’s a present help!
