One Filled With The Holy Ghost in Beirut!

Wonderful Day in Beirut yesterday!

Apostolics of Beirut was very blessed by the ministry of Elder Mobley from TN & Bishop Cavaness from Indiana this weekend! Both Sunday school & church service were wonderful! We had several returned visitors. Awesome presence of God! Many responded to altar call. One received the gift of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues according to Acts 10!

Giving God all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

“Wonderful Church Today!”

“I drew them with gentle cords, With bands of love; And I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck.” Hosea 11:4

Thankful for the drawing of the Holy Ghost at Church today! We had several new visitors and a wonderful move of the Holy Ghost! First time visitor responded and sought God with tears at the altar! Giving God all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

Ushering God’s Presence!

We thank God for His grace & mercy, and for His presence we felt at mid week church service in Beirut last night!

Pastor taught on “Ushering God’s Presence” into our lives, our homes and during Church, by approaching his throne in humility, sincerity, repentance and heart worship.

Many responded to the teaching and sought God at the end of the service. Altar was full as the presence of God swept through. It was one of those church services that no one wanted to leave to go back home.

Giving God thanksgiving for His loving kindness and tender mercies towards His people in Lebanon!

Church on Fire!

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:” Matthew‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Church in Lebanon today was on fire!!!

Thanking the Lord for His strong presence that was so abundant during worship and service today! Many replied to altar call and were touched bu the Holy Ghost. Giving God all the glory!!!

“I’ve Found God!”

They went early to church for song practice and found this young lady waiting at the front door. She asked if she can come in that she had questions about God.

The assistant Pastor answered her questions and shared with her the Good News of the Gospel.

Seeking God from all of her heart she was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues (just like Cornelius and his household in Acts chapter 10), then she asked to be baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of her sins as Peter commanded in Acts 2:38

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

To God be the glory!!!


One more receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost in Beirut!

Thanking the Lord for good report from Lebanon of a young lady who receives a Bible study at the church in Beirut last week, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues during prayer meeting tonight!

It is so true that those who seek God through genuine repentance and from all of their hearts, they will find Him!

To God be the glory! #MiddleEast4Christ

Good Report!

Thanking God for a good report from Beirut yesterday! We had 1 new and several returned visitors! Wonderful spirit of worship and a great response to altar call. Giving God all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

One Baptism / One Infilling – Beirut Lebanon!

Thanking God for an awesome church service @aobeirut today! What a wonderful way to start this year!!! We had several 1st time visitors praying at the altar. One sister who’s been visiting our church for a while responded to the preaching of the Gospel & to the drawing of God’s spirit today. She repented from her sins and sought God with tears, was baptized in the Name of Jesus for the remission of her sins and got filled with Holy Ghost Fire, according to the Book of Acts 2:38. To God be the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ