God’s Faithful!

Early this year, this sister took her son and crossed over a bridge that connects the area where she lives, to where the church is located. While walking she was praying that God would lead her and her family to a church. She saw the cross on the front of the building. It was a Thursday night, she walked inside during our prayer meeting. She felt drawn to come to the front, knelt at the altar, and cried out to God.
The following Sunday she brought her husband to Church, and soon they both gave their lives to God and were baptized in the Name of Jesus!
It wasn't long after that, God filled this Sister with the Holy Ghost. They kept on coming faithfully to the church, receiving the Word of God with joy. This past Sunday, her husband received the baptism of the Holy Ghost also with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
God's faithful! #MiddleEast4Christ

1 more soul converts in Beirut!

This young man visited our church today asking to learn more about Christ. He confessed that he was tired of living in sin, desired change and couldn't find it in religion. After two Bible studies, explaining that only the blood of Jesus washes sins and only the Name of Jesus delivers. He came back tonight to prayer meeting, repented of his sins and was baptized into Christ according to the book of Acts. To God be the glory! #MiddleEast4Christ

Urgent: Need Your Prayers 4 Lebanon!

We're asking all our friends to join us in prayers for Lebanon as the Lebanese government gave today the green light to the Lebanese army to go to war against ISIS.

The Lebanese army has been preparing for weeks for this battle.

ISIS (Daesh in Arabic) occupies a large area in northeast of Lebanon (about 90 miles from Beirut) along the border of Syria. In the last several years, ISIS has been sending suicide bombers into various parts of Lebanon including southern Beirut. They have also in the past year attacked several Christian villages in Lebanon and have taken several Lebanese soldiers as hostage.

Lebanon is the only remaining country in the Middle East were the Gospel can be preached without an immediate threat, churches can be planted and Christians can enjoy a great level of freedom. Lebanon serves as a safe haven to many who are religiously persecuted.

We're asking our friends to join us in prayer for these 7 specifics:
1. Pray 4 quick victory over ISIS
2. Pray that war won't spill over inside of Lebanon
3. Pray against sleeping cells being activated inside the country
4. Pray 4 protection for the Lebanese Army fighting ISIS
5. Pray 4 protection for the U.S. Special forces providing training & support to the Lebanese army in Lebanon U.S. Special Forces in Lebanon
6. Pray 4 protection for the Christian churches
7. Pray 4 protection for US citizens residing in Lebanon

Thank you in advance!

May God keep Lebanon as a Beacon of Hope in the Middle East!

“Is it not yet a very little while till Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest? In that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, And the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness.” Isaiah‬ ‭29:17-18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Three Passing By Men Drawn 2 Prayer!

God continues to draw men & women off the streets in the Middle East! 

Three men walked into our church in Beirut during prayers meeting this week. They felt drawn to come inside and prayed and sought God at the altar. Our ushers prayed with them and gave them each copies of our Apostolic Bibles! 

This is becoming a normal event as we continue to see people walk in to the church for the first time and finding salvation! 

We’re believing God to continue to pour out of His spirit in the Middle East and save as many such as should be saved! 

Repeat visitors at church!

We thank the Lord for a wonderful church service in Beirut Lebanon this past Sunday! 

The Lord continues to draw people to Him. Brother J. Azar preached a powerful message on pursuing God. Several repeat visitors sought the Lord with tears at the altar. Believing God for a mighty outpouring of His spirit in the Middle East!

One More Family Comes To Christ in Lebanon!

There’s no greater joy than to see someone come to Christ, repent of their sins and experience the new birth according to the Gospel of John 3:5! 

This family has been visiting our church since our Latter Rain Conference this past April. We were privileged to visit their home in Beirut and teach them a Bible study. They received the revelation of the name of Jesus and God’s plan of salvation. Today they came to church on an off night eager to put on Christ in baptism as in Galatians 3:27! 

Giving God all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ 

From Beirut to the World!

Our family loves brother Mack! He’s originally from Sudan but his family moved to Lebanon when he was only two years old. At the age of sixteen,  a little over two years ago, he was passing by our church in Beirut and felt drawn to come in. Sitting in the back with a backpack, at 1st we thought maybe he was a terrorist checking our church out! But a couple of weeks later, he made his way to the altar, repented of his sins, and was baptized in Jesus Name and was filled with the Holy Ghost! 

Brother Mack never missed a service, he has been faithful. He adhered to the Apostolic doctrine and holiness, played the guitar at church and he was always there to help in anything we asked. He’ll be greatly missed as he has immigrated and left to London yesterday. We pray the Lord continues to use him greatly! 

Our mission work in Beirut has reached many people from different nations that used Lebanon as a holding place until they were able to immigrate to other countries. Sometimes we feel like we’re evangelizing the world from right here in Beirut! 

God has blessed us, we’ve been able to witness to Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, Egyptian, etc. and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with them.

Many families and individuals from these nations have converted and have been members of our church, however, due to various difficulties they were forced to immigrate to other countries.  Today our church has members that have immigrated to Germany, Sweden, Canada, Australia and now England. 


Pentecost Day In Beirut! 

Unexpected move of the Holy Ghost at church in Beirut! 

God led our pastor to have couple of saints testify about the work of God in their lives. As testimonies came forth, praise unto God followed. One sister who’s been attending our church came to the front, knelt and started weeping in the presence of God. Suddenly, as she lifted up her hands towards heaven, the Holy Ghost fell, as with the house of Cornelius in the book of Acts chapter 10, and she started speaking in tongues as the spirit gave her the utterance! #MiddleEast4Christ