Eye sight restored during baptism in Beirut today! 

Jesus Christ still does miracles today! He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!

God blessed us with a phenomenal church service @aobeirut today! We had 6 new visitors! Powerful presence of God!! This Sister who was passing by the church couple of weeks ago felt drawn to come in. Today she responded to the preaching of the Gospel, got baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of her sins and the Holy Ghost fell just like the book of Acts chapter 2. During baptism God restored this Sister’s eye sight and was able to see clearly again!! To God be the glory!!! #middleeast4christ 

Graduates of Beirut Bridge of Hope School

We’re very thankful for the opportunity the Lord gave us to teach these students how to read and write both Arabic and English at our school in beirut this past school year! 

Most of them came to us from war torn Syria and have been devastated by the war there. But as you see, with the help of the Lord and our church volunteers, we were able to provide them a safe haven, full of God’s love and joy. They spent a year with us learning and now they have graduated!

Beirut Bridge of Hope School work with partner schools in Beirut were our graduates can continue and further their educations. 

So far we have 15 new students between the age 5 & 6 registered for next school year! 

We give God thanksgiving for this opportunity that He gave us to touch these children’s lives in the Middle East! 

One more soul baptized in Lebanon today!

“Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭8:36-38‬ ‭

Thanking God for a wonderful church service in Lebanon today and for one more soul responding to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through repentance, and water baptism in Jesus Name!

2 Holy Ghost Baptisms in Beirut Lebanon

Last day of #LatterRainConference2017 in Beirut Lebanon was phenomenal! Pastor Nathan Holmes from North Little Rock preached a powerful message on the Name of Jesus. Altar was filled with many seeking God. Several healings were reported, and two were filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in another tongue! ToGod all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

Holy Ghost Outpouring at 3rd Night of Latter Rain Conference!

3rd night of Latter Rain Conference 2017 in Beirut was tremendous! Bishop Danny StClair from the State of Indiana preached on God’s covenant with the New Testament Church. Altars were filled with returned visitors praying and seeking God. Reports of healing were giving and one person received the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in heavenly language just like the disciples in the book of acts chapter 2.

Christian revival started in the Middle East and now is returning back to the Middle East! 

Giving God all the glory!!! 

2nd night of Latter Rain Conference – Beirut!

2nd night of #latterrainconference2017 was awesome! @pastorjonathanvazquez preached a tremendous message on “Hope in Christ!” Many first time visitors responded to the preaching of the Gospel again tonight and were praying at the altar! To God be the glory!!! #middleeast4christ 

Powerful 1st Night of Latter Rain Conference 2017

Powerful 1st night of #latterrainconference2017 in Beirut tonight! Pastor @deejayshoulders from Nashville TN did a tremendous job preaching on faith and healing. Many 1st time visitors responded to altar call and were moved by the strong presence of God!!! Expecting to hear great reports tomorrow of miracles and signs following! #middleeast4christ 

Palm Sunday in Lebanon!

Thanking God for a wonderful Palm Sunday at church in Lebanon today. We’ve had several repeated visitors that responded to the message and sought God during altar call. 
One sister asked to be baptized afterward and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost just like the 12 disciples in the Book of Acts chapter 19 with the evidence of speaking in tongues! 
Despite all the violence that’s going on in the Middle East, we continue to see the Lord changing lives and pouring out of His spirit upon all of those who thirst & hunger for Him! 

“Upper Room Experience!” From Amman Jordan!!!

We thank the Lord for the opportunity He gave us and the open door to reach the whole Middle East with the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Lebanon! 

Today, Pastor preached from the Book of Acts chapter 1 & 2 about an “Upper Room Experience!” A man who from Amman Jordan who was visiting our church in Beirut for the first time responded to the preaching of the Gospel, repented of his sins and asked to be baptized like on the day of Pentecost in the Name of Jesus for the remission of his sins! To God be the glory!!!


God Answers Prayers!

‪God answers prayers!!! 

An Iraqi family in Bagdad who has attended our church for couple of months while in refuge in Lebanon and had to travel back home, called us from Iraq to let us know that their once barren daughter is now pregnant after praying for her at church in Lebanon! To God be the glory!!!
