Awesome message preached at our church in Beirut this past Sunday by our assistant pastor Brother Jacob. Presence of the Lord was strong. Several responded to prayer afterward. God blessed us also with a wonderful spirit of praise and worship! We give Him all the glory. We serve an awesome God! #MiddleEast4Christ
“From Every Nation!”
“It is Written!”
Beirut Bridge of Hope School
One more receives the Baptism of the Holy Ghost!
“They marveled because they heard them speak their own language!”
“Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born?” Acts 2:7-8
The same God who poured out His spirit in the book of Acts chapter 2 on the 120 in the upper room and drew thousands of people to Christ in one day, is the same God that’s still working drawing people from different nations to Him throughout the Middle East today!
This family who’s originally Chaldeans from the Ur of Chaldees (where Abraham is from Genesis 11:31) escaped ISIS in Iraq, fled to Lebanon and started visiting our church in Beirut this last couple of weeks. Yesterday in a Bible study wanted to know more about the baptism of the Holy Ghost because one of their daughters who was standing close to the baptistery, when the pastor was baptizing a family last week, heard and understood the tongue that the pastor was praying in the Holy Ghost! Just like Acts 2:8
To God be the glory!!! #BookofActsRevival #middleeast4christ
One More Family Baptized In The Middle East!!!
Thanking God for a powerful move of God’s presence at church in Lebanon today! One more family responds to the preaching of the Gospel and asked to be baptized in Jesus Name, and one more received the baptism of the Holy Ghost like the book of Acts!2017 is a year of revival for us in the Middle East!!!
Couple Respond To The Gospel!
Thanking The Lord for a wonderful church meeting in Lebanon today. A couple who’ve been visiting our church in Beirut for a while, responded to the preaching of the Gospel during service and asked to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ like the book of Acts!
What a beautiful baptism! What a beautiful Savior!!! To God be the Glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ
Thank you 4 making our children’s Christmas so special!
Our children enjoyed their last day of school before Christmas break this past Friday! They were SO happy to receive the beautiful new homemade hats & gloves made by Sister Kathy from Louisiana! The girls also loved their baby dolls and the boys loved their yoyo’s! Thank you Sister Donniece Sharp Ford, Sister Kathy and all who were involved from Brother & Sister Poole’s church in Manifest Louisiana for donating these wonderful gifts! We are also very grateful for the school supplies that were sent!
We want to also thank Brother Tyler Dunn for sending some fantastic supplemental school materials! Thank you all for blessing our school and for making this Christmas a time to remember for these refugee children attending Beirut Bridge of Hope School!
God bless you!
Merry Christmas from our Beirut Bridge of Hope Children’s Center in Lebanon!
Beirut Bridge of Hope School
Share this video with your church/youth group tomorrow & help sponsor one of our kids for $25/month at Bridge of Hope School in Beirut Lebanon this Christmas! To learn how please visit MEmissions Thank you!