We’re often 20-30 % short on our yearly budget to sustain our mission work in the Middle East. Please consider partnering with us in 2017! To learn more please visit MiddleEast4Christ
Please Pray 4 Mac!
Please continue to be in prayer for Brother Mac. He is still in prison in Lebanon for not having proper documentation l. Mac has been a refugee in Lebanon since the age of 2 and is only 17 years old. He found our church passing by. Started coming regularly, and as God touched his heart, he was baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. Please help us pray he will be released soon. Thank you!
“Time to kill the bull!”
Wonderful message by Pastor T. Azar at AOBeirut this past Sunday. The message was about” it’s time to overcome fear, intimidation & for the pulling down of strongholds!” The Holy Ghost ministered to our church and to first time visitors as they responded to altar call. Giving God all the Glory! #MiddleEast4Christ
Water Baptism in Lebanon!
So thankful for this baptism after prayer meeting last night in Beirut, Lebanon! Emily has been visiting our church for the last 3 services and responded to the strong presence of God last night during prayer and asked to be baptized. She said the cold water felt like it was warm and bubbling. She said there was a bright light when she went down in the water, then she felt like she was taken to another place. The next thing she knew, Jesus was hugging her and told her, “If you see Me, you see The Father. My Father and I are one.” Praise God! #MiddleEast4Christ
“It Is Time To Dream!”
Apostolics of Beirut APP Launched!
In our continuous efforts to bring the Gospel to the Middle East, we are excited to announce the launching of Apostolics of Beirut APP for both Android and Apple! The app is now available for free download and is in both Arabic and English. We encourage you to download the app and share it with others. Now, you can listen to AOB broadcasting 24/7 from Beirut, as well as Apostolic Arabic/English preaching, teaching, music and more! Read the Arabic Bible & other Apostolic literature in Arabic on God’s grace, God’s plan of salvation and more now! Download our free app today!
2 more souls baptized in Lebanon today!
1st Time Visitor Receives The Holy Ghost Today
Thanking the Lord 4 His wonderful presence that filled the sanctuary at church in Lebanon this morning. As the Word of God came out, a 1st time visitor responded to the preaching, came to the altar, cried out to God and was filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, just like on the day of Pentecost!
“You thought I was worth saving..!”
Our God Does Miracles!
Thanking the Lord for a report of a miracle from Thursday night prayer meeting in Beirut Lebanon. A sister who’s recently been visiting our church was anointed with oil & prayed for her heart condition in the Name of Jesus. When she went to the hospital the next day doctors found another artery that was formed to do the job of the main artery that was blocked. We give God all the glory! Our God answers prayers!!! #MiddleEast4Christ