This brother found us online and wanted to know more about Christ. He came to our church with many questions regarding Jesus, Faith, Salvation & Eternal Life. We explained to Him that Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth & The Life and how we ought to follow Him through (Acts 2:38) Death, Burial & Resurrection. This brother decided to leave his old life through repentance & be buried with Christ in water baptism at church in Beirut tonight! To God be the Glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ
Another Water & Spirit Baptism Today!
Thanking the Lord for one more soul coming to Christ this afternoon. This brother wanted to know about God’s plan of salvation. We had a Bible study on the early church in the Book of Acts and the Apostle Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:38). He then repented of his sins. Got baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins, and was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking another tongue, just like the Book of Acts. We give God all the Glory for what He’s doing in the Middle East!
Another filled with The Holy Ghost in Beirut!
We thank the Lord for touching people’s heart during church service yesterday! We had several new and repeat visitors. God’s presence filled the sanctuary. Altar was full as many came forward. One was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues just like on the day of Pentecost! Our God is Awesome!!! Acts 2:38 #MiddleEast4Christ
1 healed! 1 Filled!
We had a great week at church in Beirut, Lebanon this week!
Our Thursday night prayer meeting was full of God’s presence! A new visitor came forward and sought the Lord at the altar. Another person was physically healed & another filled with the Holy Ghost!
Our Sunday morning service was wonderful! We had several new visitors. Great spirit of worship followed by powerful message from Pastor T. Azar on “The Blessings of Being in God’s Covenant!”. The altar was full! We give God thanksgiving for all His help!!! #MiddleEast4Christ
God of New Beginnings!
Water Baptism After Discipleship Class in Beirut!
Thanking the Lord for awesome presence & move of the Holy Ghost during discipleship class at church in Beirut tonight. A brother who has been visiting recently repented & was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins according to the commandment in Acts 2:38 ! #MiddleEast4Christ
Sunday’s message was riveting!
Today’s message from Pastor Azar was about “The Horrors of Hell.” You can’t buy your way into heaven, so be ready, and follow the word of God! You must be saved to enter His kingdom!
The Book of Acts is an account of the First Church in The New Testament, after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The (HOLY Ghost) then filled the people in The Upper Room and church began with the anointed preacher, Peter, giving a message in Acts Chapter 2 on how to be saved!