- Asking you to help us pray for Lebanon as several ISIS suicide bombers infiltrated Lebanese borders and denoted themselves in a Christian village near a church in east Lebanon. Click to read more
Powerful Church Service In Lebanon
Revival in the Middle East!
“thousands of Middle Eastern muslims have claimed to have seen Jesus in dreams and visions”
Click to read article. Revival In The Middle East: Muslims Are Turning To Jesus By The Thousands
“What Jesus Did For Me!”
“What Jesus Did For Me!” Wonderful message preached my Brother Jacob at church this past weekend. We had several new visitors and awesome move of the Holy Ghost! #middleeast4Christ
“Power of Praise!”
1st time visitors praying at the altar!
2 More Souls Baptized In Lebanon Today!
Video Clip From The Latter Rain Conference 2016!
we thank the Lord for a powerful Latter Rain Conference in Lebanon last month! Many lives were changed and touched by the power of the Holy Ghost. The Middle East is ready for revival! #middleeast4christ
1st time visitor weeps at the altar!
Where there’s a repentative heart, there the presence of God manifests with grace & mercy!
Church this past Sunday in Lebanon was full of God’s love & mercy. A young lady who was visiting our mission work in Beirut for the 1st time felt compelled to come to the front and pray. The presence of God was so strong that she wept for a while as the Holy Ghost was mending her heart!
The altar was full of people seeking God as there was a great response to the preaching of the Gospel. Pastor preached a beautiful message on “The House of Stones” Jesus being the chief corner stone!
We continue to thank the Lord for the open door he has given us in the Middle East to preach the love of Christ through this powerful & life changing Gospel!
“The Oil of Joy!”
Brother J. Azar preached an anointed message this Sunday on, “The Oil of Joy!”
The whole service was encompassed by the Spirit of God and His love. Church service was amazing! #MiddleEast4Christ