Another Holy Ghost Filled!

Way to start the New Year in Lebanon! One more person received the baptism of the Holy Ghost over the weekend! This man who was an atheist came to our church one night almost a year ago, in Beirut Lebanon and felt a strong presence of the Lord. Faith was ignited in his heart and he then wanted to learn more about our Lord & the Gospel. He believed and and obeyed the commandment of the Lord in John 3:5 and the Apostle Peter in the Book of Acts chapter 2 & verse 38. He repented and got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins and the Lord, as He promised, has filled him with the Holy Ghost!!! 

Jesus Christ is the same, Yesterday, today and forever! What he did on the day of Pentecost 2000 years ago, He still does today! #MiddleEastRevival  


1 More Soul Baptized last night in Lebanon!

We thank the Lord for one more person getting baptized in the Name of Jesus in Lebanon yesterday! This family escaped the war torn country in Syria and came to Lebanon for refuge. Our church family in Lebanon received them with love and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. The wife believed & got baptized first and the husband believed later and was baptized last night! 

It’s wonderful to see how the Lord is drawing families from throughout the Middle East into our mission work in Lebanon! He is revealing his love to them through His Spirit and changing their lives! We give God all the glory!!!


New Converts Receiving Baptismal Certificates!

We were so proud to present this Brother & his sweet wife baptismal certificates at church in Beirut, Lebanon this past Sunday! They converted to Christianity recently and were baptized into Christ according to Romans chapter 6 & Book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38! We give God the glory as He continue to draw into his church people from every race, language & color! #MiddleEast4Christ

Click below to watch the video!

Brother F. M. receiving his baptismal certificate

Awesome Church in Lebanon: 1 Baptism 1 Infilling!!!

God blessed us with His awesome presence in Lebanon yesterday! Brother Jacob preached the am service on “Following the Word of God by Faith” the altar was full with people seeking God & one person was refilled with the Holy Ghost! Pastor preached on “The Power of Repentance” Sunday night. 1 person who was born & raised in Beirut and has been visiting our church for about 2 months responded to the Gospel, repented of his sins, got baptized in Jesus Name & was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost just like on the day of Pentecost!! We give God all the glory and thank Him for the continuous revival in Lebanon!!! #MiddleEast4Christ     


1 more soul come to Christ on Thanksgiving night in the Middle East!

We celebrated the best Thanksgiving night ever at the church in Beirut, Lebanon yesterday!

A 2nd time visitor came to our weekly prayer meeting at AOB. The presence of the Lord filled the church while everyone was praying at the altar. This brother knelt, prayed and had a Bible study afterward. He told the pastor that he lived 30 years in sin and desire change and a cleansing. He repented of his sins, gave his life to God and asked to be baptized in Jesus Name. God filled him with the baptism of the Holy Ghost while still in the water! 

We give the Lord thanks for another soul coming to the knowledge of Christ and receiving the Gospel in the Middle East. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! 


Whose Report Will You Believe?! 

Beautiful service this past Sunday, Pastor preached a sermon entitled, “Whose Report Will You Believe?” Great response and worship!

The children had Bible quizzing on three chapters of the Bible and did very well!

A sweet family also invited pastor and his family for lunch afterwards in honor of pastor’s birthday! We had a very blessed Sunday! #MiddleEast 




“This is Truth!”

John 17:17 “Sanctify them by thy Word, thy Word is Truth”

In a world that’s full of false religion and deception. The word of God remains the only true light that shines in the dark. Tremendous message by Pastor T. Azar this past Sunday in Lebanon on the Bible titled: “This is Truth!” Several 1st time visitors. Powerful anointing throughout worship and preaching. Great response to altar call! #MiddleEast

Middle East Mission

Several received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost in Egypt!

We had a very successful trip to Egypt this past week! We took several copies of the Arabic Apostolic Bbles into Cairo and connected with several Baptist pastors in Egypt. We also met with a pastor from Sudan who was visiting there as well and shared with them the revelation of Acts 2:38 and One God message! The pastors invited us to preach for them and the last night before we left the Holy Ghost fell on several of them at the altar like in the house of Cornelius in the Bible, Acts 10. They spoke in tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance! While praying for the pastor, the Holy Ghost also filled him and he spoke in tongues and glorified God! We left Egypt and headed back to Beirut with our hearts overwhelmed with the goodness of the Lord and for all He did in Egypt! 
We ask you to pray for us as we continue to travel and reach out to ministries and individuals throughout the Middle East with the Apostolic message and distribute copies of the Arabic Apostolic Bibles!