Another person received the baptism of the Holy Ghost today!

Great church meeting in Lebanon today! Both services were charged with the presence of God! Sunday school was wonderful as children learned the Bible. Our Pastor preached about “The baptism of fire” in the Arabic service and the Holy Ghost fell on one person and he spoke in tongues as the spirit gave him the utterance! (Just like the Book of Acts chapter 2 10 19) English service Pastor preached on “The process of time” and altar was full of people repenting and renewing their commitments to the Lord!

We give God glory for the works of His spirit in Lebanon. We believe the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former one. We’re believing the Lord for many more souls & for another Pentecost in the Middle East!!!  


1st Apostolic Arabic Bible Printed In the Middle East!

We give God glory for this milestone!
1st Arabic Apostolic Bible are printed and now available to distribute among 22 arabic speaking nations in the Middle East!
These Bibles have an introduction of the structure of the bible, Who is Jesus? and the plan of salvation! Along with rich Apostolic material inserted in the front of it in the Arabic language!
We thank the Lord that he has enabled us to get these Bibles printed! And we sincerely thank all our friends who share our burden for the mission work in the Middle East for their help, their prayers and sacrificial contributions to make the Middle East Bible project come to pass!
Thank you and God bless you!

“The Overflow of a Blessing”

Great church meeting in Lebanon yesterday. Awesome spirit of worship! We had a 1st time visitor from Egypt and several repeated visitors. We give God thanks for His awesome presence in both English & Arabic services and for the miracle He gave us to renew our lease and pay one year upfront in rent at our church & headquarter building in Beirut! God is awesome & He’s an on time God! We love Him!!!  


Discipleship Class!

Our small discipleship class in Beirut, Lebanon  has 4 nationalities: Lebanese, Syrian, Kurdish & Armenian! New converts are encouraged to join this class to learn more about the person of Christ, the Bible & the Christian life. Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ is the highest calling in life!!! 

These lessons will also be available on our online ministry for converts outside of Lebanon who speaks Arabic & resides throughout the Middle. 

“Jesus, The Ark of Safety!”

Wonderful end time message preached by our Pastor in Lebanon today! God blessed us with wonderful spirit of worship. We had several new visitors and a full altar of people reaching out to God! We give God all the glory and thanksgiving!