Bible Quizzing in Lebanon!

We’re very proud of our young minister Brother Jacob starting Bible Quizzing in Lebanon this past Sunday! Several of our converts who most of them never read the Bible before, are now teaching their children verses from the Bible and having them participate in Bible Quizzing! To God be the Glory!! #SpreadingTheGospel #MiddleEast 


“Coming out of the wilderness”

Powerful & anointed message preached in Lebanon yesterday by one of our young ministers! Great response to the message as almost everyone including 1st time visitor came to the altar seeking God! #MiddleEast #Apostolic #Revival 


Man of the Street Come to Christ!

Brother Jacob preached a message yesterday on , “Being An Overcomer!” 

The presence of The Lord was felt so strongly throughout service, even drawing in a man from off the streets who was hungering for God, asking the church to pray for him. The presence of God put a huge smile on his face as he felt the warm embrace of Jesus Christ! He stayed for a Bible Study afterwards and wants more! 

Our God’s great! 


First Apostolic Arabic Bible In Print!

We’re excited to have placed an order this week for 1000 Arabic Bibles with the Acts 2:38 message (plus more) printed and bound in the front of it as an introduction to the Bible!
We have 22 nations all around us that speaks the same language and this will help us spread the truth and give our new converts important references in their Bible as to who Jesus is? The Plan of Salvation? and other important references!
Each Bible is costing us 11 USD. God has enabled us to raise 30% of the total cost. We have placed this order by faith and need your help to raise necessary funds to pay for the order in full. To learn more please click on the video below. We ask you also to prayerfully consider partnering us in buying these Bibles to spread the Gospel in the Middle East!

You can send donations by check or via Paypal:

By Check. Please make check Payable to:

Apostolic Christian Ministries
PO Box 111
Cherry Log, GA. 30522
For: Arabic Bibles

Thank you in advance. May God bless you!
Arabic Bible

1 More Person Baptized Today!

Awesome Church meetings in Lebanon today! Several new visitors! One person responded to the preaching of the Gospel, repented of his sins and was baptized in Jesus Name! #Acts2:38 #MiddleEast 

“The Blood of Jesus Speaks!”

We thank the Lord for wonderful church meetings this past Sunday in Lebanon! Several responded to the preaching of the Gospel as they learned about the work of Calvary and the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to wash sins! 

There is nothing like our Gospel! #MiddleEast #Revival

There is none like Jesus!

God blessed us this past Sunday with wonderful church services in both the Arabic & English services. We ran out of seating in the am service as many remained standing to hear the preaching of the word! 

We had several first time visitors. Many responded to the call to come to the front as they took a step of faith toward God!

Our children also enjoyed a great lesson in Sunday school as the word of God was also being taught by our teachers!

We rejoice to see God continually drawing people to Him from various places from the Middle East! We give Him all the glory!

Powerful Last 2 Days of 2015 Latter Rain Conference!

We thank the Lord for a tremendous Conference in Lebanon this past weekend! Every night we’ve had a breaking record of visitors who many of them heard the Gospel being preached for the 1st time! 

The altars were full of people repenting & turning their hearts to God. Couple of baptisms! Several healing also took place and a woman who couldn’t see due to an eye disease shouted out with joy after being prayed for that she could now see! 

Our hearts are overwhelmed from all what the Lord has done! We believe this conference has given our mission work in Lebanon a new momentum! Revival is eminent in the Middle East! 

Words can’t describe our gratitude to all the pastors who flew into Lebanon to preach our Conference. Thank you Pastor Lang, Pastor Perdue and Pastor Vazquez for pouring your heart and making the 2015 Latter Rain Conference a great success! And to all our friends who’ve been faithfully supporting this mission work. We couldn’t do what we’re doing without you. Thank you from all our hearts!

Powerful 1st night of Latter Rain Confetence 2015

We had a powerful church meeting at our annual Latter Rain Conference 2015 in Lebanon last night! Every seat in the house was full while others stood by the side walls to hear the Gospel preached to them for the first time! 

There was an awesome spirit of worship followed by powerful preaching from Pastor Jeremy Lang on “The Blood of Jesus!” Many came forward to the altar and were touched by the Lord as our visiting pastors prayed for them! 

We believe God is going to touch many lives also tonight! We’re anticipating a larger crowd as Pastor Matt Perdue from Indiana will be ministering the Word Saturday night! We ask you to help us pray that the Lord will pour out His spirit, change lives and saves many souls! #MiddleEast #LatterRainConference #Revival