2 Baptized in Beirut This Past Sunday!

It was awesome to learn that one of our visitors this past Sunday found us on the Internet and felt drawn to visit our church Sunday morning. After service he asked to see the pastor and had a Bible study afterward. The brother came back for the night service and was baptized in Jesus Name! 

We rejoice also over another Sister who gave her life to Christ and was baptized in the wonderful name of Jesus also!

The following morning a Sister who the Pastor & his wife won to the Lord 10 years ago and was baptized and received the Holy Ghost found us in Beirut, came to church & prayed back through!

We give God all the Glory for what He’s doing in the Middle East! The harvest is truly plenteous and we feel blessed and privileged to be part of it!

Sanctuary in Beirut is finished!

It’s done! For a long time our church family in Beirut Lebanon worshipped under a tin roof with unbearable heat during the summer time and unable to hardly hear anything when it rained. But God is good! He blessed us with good insulation and beautiful ceiling right on time for our Latter Rain Conference starting next week! Words can’t describe our gratitude to Elder Featherstone and Faith Apostolic Church in San Antonio TX for their many help and for blessing our mission church in Lebanon with this beautiful ceiling. We’re also very thankful to our church family and to all of those who’ve worked hard and spent late hours installing it! Thank you for blessing our mission work!

Jesus Is The Door!

Tremendous message preached by our Pastor “Jesus is the door” at AOBeirut yesterday! The Lord moved greatly upon the hearts of all were in attendance in both Arabic & English services! Our “Apostolic Angels” Sunday school class learned also about Daniel and the Lion’s den!

Great Weekend in Lebanon!

We thank the Lord for a great weekend at church in Lebanon! We had awesome spirit of worship and good solid teaching & preaching on developing a heart after God’s own heart. We appreciate the response from our saints and making a commitment to follow Christ by pursuing discipleship! #MiddleEast

Awesome Easter Service in Lebanon!

God blessed us with awesome church meetings in Lebanon at our Easter service yesterday! Both Arabic & English meetings had new visitors, awesome spirit of praise & worship and great response to altar call! We see God is moving in Lebanon and are excited to be part of His revival in the Middle East!

Awesome Church In Beirut Today!

We thank the Lord for a great church meeting in Beirut, Lebanon today. Wonderful presence of God and sweet spirit of praise and worship. Everyone one’s heart was touched by the Lord. We’re excited about what the Lord is doing in the Middle East!