Great is your faithfulness!

So thankful for what The Lord continue to do in Lebanon! As many come to seek Him from all of their hearts, God always meet them with all of His heart! His love and grace overwhelms and His mercies endures forever! #MiddleEast4Christ

Many filled and several baptized during LRC21

Thanking God for the powerful four services of Latter Rain Conference 21 that we’ve had in Beirut this month! God’s presence was so strong and powerful!

We had several new visitors! Many sought God with tears! Several received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and were baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of their sins!

To God be the Glory!!! πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯ #MiddleEast4Christ

1st Night of Latter Rain Conference 21

Giving God thanksgiving for what He has done the 1st night of Latter Rain Conference 21 in Beirut Lebanon! May the flame that the Lord has ignited in Beirut reach the entire country and the Middle East! πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯ #LRC21 #MiddleEast4Christ

Latter Rain Conference 2021 – Lebanon

Three filled & one baptized on Resurrection Sunday!

Rejoicing over a powerful outpouring of God’s spirit in Beirut, Lebanon today!

1st time visitor responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was baptized in Jesus Name and was filled with the Holy Ghost according to Acts2:38!

Then the Holy Ghost fell on two more people just like on Cornelius and his family in Acts 10:44! To God be the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

Powerful Week in Beirut!

Thanking God for powerful manifestation of God’s spirit at the church in Beirut, Lebanon this week! We had several new visitors that responded to the preaching of the Gospel and sought God with tears at the altar! Rejoicing over three baptisms at the and two infilling with the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:38 this past week! To God be the glory!!! πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯

A Look Back at 2020!

Looking back at what the Lord has done in 2020 and what He’s already doing in 2021 in Lebanon, we rejoice about the faithfulness and the goodness of God in every stage our mission work has gone through.

There’s no doubt that last year, with a nation wide revolution, economic and financial meltdown, Covid-19 pandemic and the extreme lock down and the finally with the Beirut explosion that took almost half our city and left over 300,000 people without homes, Lebanon continues to mourn and struggle as hope of a better future gets dimmer and dimmer. But we thank the Lord, that even though the world and governments have no hope to offer, Jesus Christ remains the hope of the world and the hope of Lebanon! And the Church, whom He has established in Beirut remains a lighthouse for those who are afflicted, broken and without hope! Jesus can change everything and give beauty for ashes!

We ask you to continue to pray for Lebanon as it remains the only open door to preach the Gospel freely and openly in the Middle East! Since early January of 2021, the country continues on one of the severe lock downs since the spread of the Pandemic. We’re believing God to change the situation and help the doors of the church reopen again, In Jesus Name!

Bible Study Leads To Water & Spirit Baptisms!

What started with a cordial visit to our church in Beirut with some friends this afternoon, ended up in a Bible study that led to a water and spirit baptisms just like with a Cornelius in Acts 10!

Thanking The Lord for one more soul getting saved & converting to Christianity in the Middle East! To God be the glory!!! πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯ #MiddleEast4Christ