Revelation of the Truth that leads to Salvation!

What started with a cordial visit to our church in Beirut with some friends this afternoon, ended up in a Bible study that led to a water and spirit baptisms! Thanking The Lord for one more soul getting saved & converting to Christianity in the Middle East! To God be the glory!!! 🙏🙌🔥 #MiddleEast4Christ

One more soul saved!

“I indeed have baptized you with water: but He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost & Fire!” Rejoicing over a new Brother who comes from an Assyrian background and has been having Bible studies at the church in Beirut for the last several weeks. Today, after receiving the revelation of God in Christ and the name of Jesus, he responded to the teaching of the Gospel, decided to repent of his sins and put on Christ in water baptism! To God be the glory!!! 🙏🙌🔥 #MiddleEast4Christ

Three more baptized and two filled!

Thanking God for an awesome day in Lebanon! We had four Bible studies over a 6 hours period! A family who’s kids attend Bridge of Hope School and another man, responded to the teaching of the Gospel, decided to put on Jesus Christ in water baptism and two were filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues! To God be the glory! #MiddleEast4Christ

New Convert to Christianity!

Rejoicing over a new brother who came by the church this afternoon wanting to know about Jesus Christ. Coming from a Muslim background, he never before held a Bible in his hand. During the Bible study, he saw the Truth and wanted to obey the Gospel! He was baptized in Jesus Name and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues! Revival in Lebanon continues!!! 🙏🔥🙌 To God be the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

Acts 2:38

Two baptized & filled in Beirut today!

Despite complete lock in in Beirut, this couple responded to teaching of the Gospel online and met at church to be baptized in water in Jesus Name and get filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance! Book of Acts chapter 2!

Giving God the Glory!!!

Jesus Name Baptism

Acts 2:38

Revival Continues In Lebanon despite Pandemic!

Giving God glory, despite the crisis Lebanon is going through due to the Pandemic, God is still moving in Beirut touching people’s heart and drawing them to Him!

Today, a brother whom his family requested our church pray for his release from prison couple fo weeks ago, was miraculously released last week.

He attended service this morning, responded to the preaching of the Gospel and was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins and God baptized Him with the Holy Ghost as promised in Acts 2:38!

To God be the glory!!!

Jesus Name Baptism

Acts 2:38

Revival In Lebanon!

God’s continuing to pour out of His spirit in Lebanon!

The Church in Beirut had almost a full house with several new families and individual visiting from various places of the city. The spirit of God was eminent throughout the service and many responded to the preaching of the Gospel and sought God with tears at the altar!

To God be the glory!!!