“Fulness of time!”

We’re thanking the Lord for wonderful church service in Beirut this weekend!

Pastor Damon Mckillop from NB, Canada preached a powerful message on the “Fulness of time!” Several repeat and new visitors responded to the preaching and sought the Lord with tears at the altar! Giving God all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

A Beautiful Story!

A beautiful story of our sister who moved back to Lebanon with her family and while praying and seeking God, found our church in Beirut Lebanon!

She came to church this past Sunday and God touched her the moment she responded to altar call. We followed up with a Bible study yesterday and today she was baptized according to the Gospel of our Lord and the commandment of the Apostle Peter in the Book of Acts chapter 2 and verse 38, on the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of her sins and was filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues the moment she came out of the water! To God be the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

Great Day at Bridge of Hope School in Beirut!

We had a wonderful day at Beirut Bridge of Hope School in Lebanon today!

Our children happily attend school chapel on a daily basis. We are so thankful to have Sister Comer from the State of Indiana speak to our children about being a friend of God today!

We love our children!

“He that makes a difference in one life, makes a difference in many!”

Thank you for your prayers & support!

2 Water Baptisms in Beirut!

Thanking God for a wonderful prayer meeting at church in Beirut last night!

2 first time visitors who responded to a Bible study and sought the need to be born again according to the Gospel of John chapter 3, asked to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins! (John 3:5, Acts 2:38)

After prayer and seeking God with tears, both mother and her daughter were immersed in the water and buried with Christ in baptism! (Romains 6:4). To God be the glory!!!

Great Church in Beirut!

There is no better feeling than to see a new visitor respond to the preaching of the Gospel and repent of their sins!

Thanking God for a great church meeting in Beirut yesterday. 2 new visitors! Wonderful presence of God! #MiddleEast4Christ


Harvest Conference in Beirut was Powerful!

Harvest Conference 2018 this past weekend has been tremendous! Pastor Jonathan Shoemake & his wife Sister Shoemake walked in the spirit, they both spoke and ministered under a powerful anointing of the Holy Ghost!

Our church broke through strong spiritual barriers during this conference giving us a momentum to build on, and to continue to reap the harvest of souls in Lebanon!

Many lives were touched as they responded to the preaching of the Word. First time visitors sought God with tears at the altar! We give God all the glory!!! #MiddleEast4Christ

1st Week of School in Beirut

Our 1st week of school for the Syrian refugees at Beirut Bridge of Hope was tremendous!

Giving these children a safe haven to learn, to be happy and to be loved, is worth it all!

We added an extra class and teacher, totaling 80 students & 5 teachers for this school year!

Please consider helping us keep the school running by sponsoring a child for $35 a month via Paypal. Visit BBHope.org to start today!

Thank you in advance. #BeirutBridgeofHope

Beirut Bridge of Hope School starts on Monday!

We are very excited about Beirut Bridge of Hope School in Lebanon starting on Monday!

We went from 22 students last year to over 60 children this school year! All of these children are refugees from Syria and parts of Iraq.

The Lord has helped us to add 3 school rooms and three new teachers for this coming year.

Sister Julia from Indiana felt called to come to Lebanon and help teach our 1st grade class this year. She’s a HopeCorp graduate and has a passion to help mold the lives of these sweet, young children. We just finished her classroom today with the last delivery of chairs!

We’re ready for school on Monday!

Join us in prayers for this ministry! Pray for the teachers, the children, and the church! #MiddleEast4Christ http://www.memissions.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/img_3014.mov

Beirut Children

It’s sad to see how young are the children walking and running between the cars in the streets of Beirut. They are begging for help and money on almost every intersection. Some are as young as 4 years old. If you meet them, they are the sweetest children, yet they are sent by their parents out into the streets to bring home money. They often get abused, run over by cars and most of them can’t come back home at night without bringing a certain amount. It breaks our hearts, but it makes me so thankful for our little Bridge of Hope School. We might not be able to take all the children but we’ll take what we can and make a difference in their lives! Out of more than 140 applicants so far, we have been able to take just over 60 for this school year. Very thankful for having Beirut Bridge Of Hope a safe haven to these children! #BeirutBridgeofHope www.BBhope.org

Beirut Bridge of Hope